Maybe you have often heard that strawberries are the first fruit of the season, but what does this mean? Fresón de Palos strawberries can be consumed during about half of the year, in the months from February to May, although in recent years we are trying to dilate this period slightly, giving to the consumers the possibility to taste fresh strawberries from December to June. Let me see together how the sowing of giant strawberries and the harvest of the first fruit of spring take place.
Where do strawberries grow?
Strawberries have many benefits for our body and are excellent to be enjoyed at any time of day: for this reason, Fresón de Palos has worked for years with the aim of offering its customers fresh fruit, grown in areas with land and a good climate for strawberry fruit growth.
Strawberry is a fruit that is sown in the autumn (usually in October), so that in December it is already possible to buy a good product. The production of Fresón de Palos takes place in Spain, the leading European strawberry producer and second worldwide, especially in the area of Huelva, in Andalusia. The first part of the sowing process, however, takes place in Castile and León, where the seeds are placed in the ground, protected by large nurseries. Once the seed has turned into a seedling, these are brought to Huelva and replanted in an area close to the sea. Fresón de Palos sows different strawberry varieties, to offer consumers a wide range of products, always paying close attention to the quality of organic strawberries.
Strawberry picking season
Once the growth process of the seedlings has been completed, Fresón de Palos begins to pick the strawberries and exports them all over the world: France, Germany, Italy and England are just some of the countries to which fresh strawberries are sent. Strawberries are thus the first fresh fruit of spring and can be bought until the beginning of summer. Thanks to the large amount of vitamin C they contain, they are excellent for our health, especially skin and eyesight; they can also help to lower blood lipid levels and fight constipation, as they contain a large amount of water.
Red strawberry can be used in the kitchen to prepare winter, spring and summer dishes, thanks to their strong flavor but also easily combined with numerous ingredients. So get ready to enjoy strawberries from December to June … and if you don’t know how to prepare them, go and have a look at our strawberry recipes!