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Fresón de Palos en España Directo de TVE

Freson de palos en España Directo

Un año más y coincidiendo con el pistoletazo de salida de la temporada de fresas nuestros amigos de España Directo-TVE1 nos han acompañado en una bonita jornada de recolección y producción. Si te lo perdiste nos encontrarás a partir del minuto 29. España Directo – 11/01/18

Strawberries in movies

It’s impossible to resist the sweetness of strawberries and in the film world they know it. There are several movies with mythical scenes where strawberries are equally, or even more important, than the protagonists of the film. We mean more than desserts or strawberry-based sweets stuffing down our throats every time when we see them […]

Hot desserts with strawberries

recipe fragole y fresón de palos

Every time we think of a strawberry-based dessert, lifelong strawberries with cream come to mind. They’re delicious, it’s true, but in the world of cooking it’s impossible to limit yourself to one dish type. On this occasion we want to show you some of the hot desserts with strawberries that most appeal to us. Hot […]

Fragole nei film

È impossibile resistere alla dolcezza delle fragole e nel mondo del cinema lo sanno. Ci sono diversi film con scene mitiche in cui le fragole sono ugualmente o anche più importanti dei protagonisti del film. Parliamo di qualcosa di più dei dessert o dei dolci a base di fragole che ci riempiono la gola ogni […]